NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon is dedicated to developing and sustaining a constituency that uses the political process to guarantee every woman the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion. We envision an Oregon where all people have reproductive self-determination to decide when or whether they will have children, and where every woman and transgender person who can become pregnant can exercise reproductive choices with dignity, without discrimination or coercion.
During the 2015 legislative session, we joined the Fair Shot Coalition and advocated for policies that support women, families, and communities, and give us all a fair shot at a secure future. We took an active stance on Ban the Box, End Profiling, and Paid Sick Days, and educated our members and supporters on how these issues intersect with reproductive justice.
Every person should have the opportunity to compete for jobs and stable housing, and have the power and resources to make decisions for themselves and their families without fear of discrimination, exclusion, or harm. Leveling the playing field, creating equitable opportunity for women and families, is a reproductive justice issue.
Every person should have the right to parent children in a safe, healthy environment. Every person deserves to raise a family without fear that their children will be harmed just because of the color of their skin, their gender identity, or their sexual orientation.
Women need to be able to take a day off of work, or even an hour or two, without the risk of losing their job to access the health care they need. Without this economic security, women’s access to health care is vulnerable and their ability to take care of themselves and their families is threatened.
We are members of the Fair Shot Coalition because economic justice and reproductive justice are intimately connected. Every woman, no matter where she lives or how much she earns, deserves a fair shot. Along with our coalition partners, NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon is committed to breaking down barriers to health care and employment so that all people can have a secure future and thrive.
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon joining OHEA to lobby on Fair Shot issues.