Portland Jobs with Justice is a coalition of nearly 100 labor, community, faith, student and environmental groups dedicated to protecting the rights of working people and supporting community struggles to build a more just society. We are a movement hub that has helped thousands of diverse workers improve their lives and the lives of their communities in the Portland Metro Area through impact research, strategic media & communications, cultural transformation, and direct action organizing and campaigning.
We were excited to see the Fair Shot Coalition bringing community and labor groups together and making such important connections between worksite issues and racial discrimination. We salute the many successes Fair Shot has had in its first year. We helped get folks to Salem for a number of hearings, we collected post cards, and we helped celebrate the big wins!
One of our contributions to the fight to raise the minimum wage is the Portland Area Campaign for $15. Through this campaign, we will win access to a $15 minimum wage for 30,000 workers in Portland by 2017! We are doing this by uniting and coordinating unions, workers organizations, small businesses, faith institutions, and community organizations through contract campaigns, new organizing, and voluntary commitments.
Jobs with Justice rallying in Portland with Fair Shot For All.