Mike Westling
(503) 498-8161

Fair Shot For All Coalition and the Western Region Summer Institute for Union Women Gather to Hear Speakers Call for Raising the Wage

Portland, Ore. – Members of the Fair Shot Coalition and the Western Region Summer Institute for Union Women will gather in Portland to hold a minimum wage rally Friday at 3:00pm in solidarity with workers who are fighting for a fair shot.

Thousands of hardworking Oregonians making minimum wage – women, people of color,immigrants and families – simply don’t earn enough to make ends meet. When people can’t afford to buy food, go to the doctor or make basic repairs, it drags our economy down.

Currently, one in four Oregon workers brings home less than $25,000 each year. Women and people of color make up the largest percentage of our low-wage workforce. In Oregon, women represent more than half of minimum wage workers while people of color make up about 36 percent.


The Fair Shot For All coalition and the Western Region Summer Institute for Union Women will hold a rally in solidarity with workers who are fighting for a fair shot.


Friday, June 26

3 p.m.


Reed College Great Lawn

3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.

Portland, OR 97202


Speaking in support of raising the minimum wage include: 

·  Barbara Byrd, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO

·  Ed Hall, Labor Liaison, Office of Jeff Merkley

AuthorChristine Saunders