It’s nearly June and the end of the legislative session is just around the corner – yet our lawmakers have yet to act on paid sick days and other key policy changes that will give hardworking Oregonians a fair shot.
Forty-seven percent of private-sector workers in Oregon currently lack paid sick time, forcing them to chose between working sick, sending a sick child to school or losing a day’s pay when they or a family member fall ill.
For the Oregonian who has worked her entire career without a single paid sick day, change cannot come fast enough.
Until there is a strong paid sick days bill on the governor’s desk, we’ll be working around the clock to make sure all Oregon workers have the dignity and respect in the workplace that they deserve.
So we’ve ramped up our efforts and raised our voices to make sure the legislature hears us loud and clear: it’s time to press forward.
Check out our ads that deliver that important message to those who need to hear it the most.
Every Oregonian deserves a fair shot at economic opportunity. It’s time for the people we elected to make good on their promises to us.