The Bus Project does volunteer-driven democracy for our generation (young people). We are workin’ hard to build a great future and to empower great leaders—who will make it even greater.
We are thousands of Oregonians, young and young-on-the-inside, doing democracy in a hands-on way. We put feet on the streets, butts in the seats and votes in the election…eets. We work to make politics more accessible, more equitable and more innovative. We know our generation can save the world and we need your help. (Listen, we know “saving the world” sounds kinda hokey to some of you, but somebody seriously needs to do it and that somebody should be you and everyone you know. Seriously.)
We got started in 2001 by a bunch of young leaders in a bar. They didn’t like the way politics was going and they decided to turn things around. So they bought a Bus & started getting volunteers on it, to make real political change and empower a whole new generation in democracy. They took the Bus around the state, helped some great people win elections, got thousands of regular people involved and just kept going. (Yes-- it's true we have a Bus!)
And now, here we are. Welcome to the Bus.
We are proud partners of the Fair Shot For All Coalition. We're new members this year, but we have done an amazing job this past year to help Raise the Wage campaign. We collected 1410 pledge cards for the campaign and coalition and went to the Raise the Wage lobby day in January.
We are thrilled to bring a youth agenda and lens to this important and vital coalition. Oregon is better when all hardworking Oregonians have a fair shot at their future.
Oregonians rally to raise the wage in front of The Bus!