PCUN, Oregon’s Farmworker Union, A member of the Fair Shot Coalition.
PCUN (Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United) is Oregon's union of farmworkers, nursery and reforestation workers. PCUN is the state's largest Latino organization. 98% of PCUN’s 6,500 members are low-income immigrants from Mexico and Central America.
Our mission is to change the agricultural labor system in a manner that institutionalizes better working and living conditions, redresses the power imbalance between growers and workers, and establishes respect, fairness and dignity as the bases for the employment relationship.
Together, PCUN and it’s sister organizations reach and engage an astounding variety of people and entities: farmworkers, Latino youth, new immigrants, new citizens, immigrants leaving agricultural for construction and service work, allies in small business, in labor, religious, student, environmental, human rights, civil liberties and community groups, the media, public officials, law enforcement, local educators, growers, consumers and financial institutions. The list of programmatic areas is similarly comprehensive: workplace power and security, housing, emergency aid, child care and pre-school, police abuse and discrimination, educational equality, government and corporate accountability, adult education, public school curricula, economic self-help, public awareness and understanding of farmworkers and immigrants, public policy analysis and advocacy, litigation, immigration casework, cultural activities, community-base radio documentation and archiving, coalition and alliance building.
Speaker Kotek and students from PCUN at the minimum wage public hearing in April.